Waldenbuch > Art & Culture > Museum of Everyday Life

Museum of Everyday Culture – Waldenbuch Castle

A museum for all the family


The Museum of Everyday Culture in Waldenbuch Castle is one of the foremost museums of ethnology in German-speaking countries. Daily life and work, advertising, religion, fashions and rituals: fascinating themes await visitors on an exhibition area of over 2,500 m² in the former hunting lodge of the Dukes of Württemberg, now a branch of the Württemberg State Museum. This diversity of topics, paired with the outstanding collections, make the museum a centre of awareness and experience for exploring the civilisation history of daily life.

Light bulb, sweeping brush or water closet – the Museum focuses on ordinary objects and presents them in a new and extraordinary way. It surprises with stark contrasts and accents: the juxtaposition of state-of-the-art items from everyday life with historical objects provokes thought and new insights.

In the exhibition "Wohnwelten" ("Living Environments"), devised in 2014, visitors can experience what everyday living was like throughout the past 200 years. Coal scuttles, washboards, preserving jars – a host of objects from our ancestors' parlours, kitchens and cellars show how they coped with the demands of daily life in times when electricity, central heating and running water were not yet a matter of course. Authentically reproduced living quarters make the "Wohnwelten" a stirring experience. The Museum's five themed family days are popular for outings, offering not only numerous exciting hand-on activities, but also fascinating insights into old crafts, customs and traditions. Special exhibitions, on-site discussions, lectures, readings and markets – a wide range of cultural events rounds off the programme. The Museum in Waldenbuch Castle is located in the heart of town in the direct vicinity of the Town Hall and Marketplace – at the hub of daily life, as you would expect!

Museum der Alltagskultur
Museum der Alltagskultur

Opening times

Tue - Sat 10:00 - 17:00
Sun and public holidays 10:00 - 18:00

Admission prices

Adults 4 €
Concession* 3 €
Children up to 17 years free
Groups (from 10 persons) 3 € per person
Combined ticket with Museum Ritter  9 €
Combined ticket with Museum Ritter reduced
(students, people with disabilities)
6 €
Every Wednesday from 2 pm Pay what you want!

*Reduced admission charge for: students, trainees, schoolchildren, disabled persons (1 accompanying person free), those in basic military training, volunteers. Free admission (with proof of eligibility) for: ICOM members, holders of a Museum Pass, State Family Pass or Bonuscard + Kultur.

All areas of the exhibition are barrier-free.

Information and booking of guided tours

under the telephone number +49 (0)711 89535-111.


Museum der Alltagskultur – Schloss Waldenbuch
Kirchgasse 3
71111 Waldenbuch
Telephone: +49 (0)7157 8204
E-mail: museum-der-alltagskultur@landesmuseum-stuttgart.de

Additional information: www.museum-der-alltagskultur.de